Quality and Environmental Policy
Within the framework of the general policy of KLIMATECHNIK, S.L. as a company dedicated to the MAINTENANCE OF HEAT AND COOLING INSTALLATIONS (air conditioning and heating) and LEGALISATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PRESSURE EQUIPMENT, a priority objective is the maintenance and improvement of our SGCA-Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System, implemented in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Standards.
This entails assuming the following commitments:
- EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: to collect and effectively convey the needs and requirements of our Customers and to share our efforts in improving environmental performance.
- MOTIVATION TO IMPROVE: to promote and encourage the participation of both our staff and our suppliers and industrial partners, in order to carry out the continuous improvement of the quality of our technical service and the environmental performance of our organisation.
- ORGANISATION, RESOURCES and TRAINING, so that all our staff are fully aware of their functions and the environmental impacts they entail, and have the necessary means and training to operate with a high degree of self-control.
- SELF-ANALYSIS and CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT, to guarantee the operation of what is established in our Quality and Environmental Management Manual, through a system of internal audits and the analysis of non-conformities, using failures as a starting point to determine their causes and avoid their repetition.
- CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, guaranteeing the optimum operation of the installations under our responsibility.
- SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, through our environmental management, to minimise the environmental impacts generated by our activities, optimise the consumption of resources and the generation of waste and prevent pollution.
- COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS associated with our activities, both legal and/or regulatory or those of our Clients, as well as any other commitment assumed by KLIMATECHNIK.
Management undertakes to disseminate, comply with and enforce compliance with this Policy and to evaluate it periodically to ensure, through the necessary reviews, the operation of the provisions of our MGCA-Quality and Environmental Management Manual.